REVIEW: Julian Snelling Rosebud Stainless Steel Large Swarovski Crystal T-Bar Butt Plug

The Big Gay Review

So as you have all come to realise, is that I really do love anal toys. Despite that, I have very few butt plugs in my collection – however this is slowly changing. I now have several silicone butt plugs and one glass plug. However, I had been eying up some aluminium and steel plugs for a while, but they seemed so much smaller than what I was used too, I just didn’t see the point. However when this little beauty was sent to me by Lovehoney in exchange for an honest review, my perception of these smaller plugs was about to change.

First Impressions:photo 1

When this arrived, I was surprised at how little packaging there was, in fact I was initially very underwhelmed that a product with a hefty price-tag is packaged so basic – but actually, it works perfectly well. The plug is presented in a velvet drawstring…

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